
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ear Candling

If I didn't lose you when I told you about no poo or when I showed you oil pulling, I might lose you now.

Basically, you take a candle, light it on fire, and stick it in your ear while it melts. This is the 2nd time I have done it and I like it.

 My set of 2 candles was $3.49.

The candles are linen or cotton that is dipped in wax and the wax hardens and dries on the fabric. The fabric is wrapped into a hollow cone shape.

Disclaimer: This is a controversial treatment. But most alternative medicines are controversial. I have only done it twice. I have had great results and see many of the benefits in the below list.


  • Removes wax from ears and sinuses
  • Alleviates ear aches
  • Alleviates sinus infections & pressure
  • Relieves swimmer's ear
  • Reduces ringing in ears
  • Equalizes ear pressure
  • Reduces vertigo and dizziness
  • Alleviates jaw pain

This treatment has been cited to be an effective alternative for children that suffer from frequent ear infections; as opposed to the surgical approach of inserting tubes.

The flame and the hollow cone shape create a vacuum that sucks out impurities and wax.The smoke from the flame enters your ear and sinuses to aid clearing everything out.

You need a bowl of water, a wet towel, a paper plate / aluminum pie plate, and a lighter.

I don't have any paper plates, so I used some card stock. Cut a hole in it just big enough for the candle.

Yep, you lie on your side and let the candle burn in your ear. Place the wet towel on your shoulder, just for safety. Keep the bowl of water close by. The paper plate (or card stock) is there to catch any ashes. Don't worry, the ashes cool very quickly and are cool by the time they fall on the paper.

Each candle takes about 10 minutes. Some instructions say to do 2 candles per ear. I only do 1 per ear.

I let it burn til about the height in the below picture. I don't go as far as I could for safety reasons.

Toss it in the water when you are done.

Repeat on the other side.

I cut into these to show you the grossness.

The one on the left is from my left ear. I was taking pictures and not focusing as much on keeping it in my ear. So not as much junk. I only took a couple pictures on the other side, so the candle was more steady. Much more junk.

This post is featured on Thank Your Body.


  1. amazing website! great ear candle review, A+ I recommend moving the labels widget to the top so people can see all the topics you've produced, quicker.

    1. Thanks for stopping by & the kindness! I have been thinking I need to redesign the header. Thanks for the input
