
Friday, August 16, 2013

Cucumber Melon Margarita

Cucumber melon margarita!!

I had 3 melons from Cardo's Farm Project, 2 of them I picked this morning during my volunteer shift. The left is a white watermelon. The middle is a musk melon, very much like a cantaloupe. I haven't cut into the right one, but I assume it's a red watermelon.

Tequila is not my liquor of choice. This margarita turned out very yummy! But....I am and always will be a vodka / gin lady. I was feeling frisky tonight and went with tequila. As far as tequila goes, this is a great, fresh margarita that isn't too sweet (I'm not a fan of sweet drinks). You can do this with any melon combo.

  • 4 limes
  • sugar
  • tequila 
  • triple sec (or Grand Marnier if it's in your budget)
  • melons
  • cucumbers

Zest 4 limes

On medium heat, add 1.5 cups sugar, 1.5 cups water, and the lime zest. Bring to a boil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. This is your simple syrup.

Here's the white watermelon. I picked it this morning. And then it busted. So....bonus for me! Cut it and remove as many seeds as you can. I don't know of a clean way to do this. So just dig in.

This is a musk melon. Very similar to a cantaloupe. Cut it, scoop out the seeds, remove the meat from the rind.

And then I remembered I have a lot of cucumbers! (There's a lot of okra in this bowl, too. It's not all cucumbers.) So I decided to add a few cucumbers (not okra). The cucumbers are also from Cardo's Farm!

My blender recently died (I took all of this to my parent's house to drink it by their pool). If I had a blender, I would have blended the melons in it. So instead, I used my immersion blender (this is what I have). I love this thing!

Juice your 4 limes.

I took everything to my parent's house to swim. My 4 year old nephew was a great helper! He measured everything to make his slushee (recipe below)! No, he didn't measure the alcohol. He made enough for him & The Moose.

This is The Moose's 1st slushee and he loved it!!

My nephew made some popsicles with the mix.

In a blender:

  • 2 cups melon puree
  • 1 cup tequila
  • 4 tblsp lime juice
  • 4 tblsp simple syrup
  • 4 tblsp triple sec (Use Grand Marnier if it's in your budget. Not in mine tonight.)
  • 4 cups ice
  • (for the kids, I added everything but the tequila and triple sec)

I rarely drink frozen drinks. I'm an on-the-rocks person. Plus it's 112 degrees in Texas. So I added ice to my sippy cup (yes, I took my sippy cup to my parent's house).

My dad really wanted the table he just made to be the backdrop for the picture. Which was ok by me, cause it's a pretty cool table! Maybe I'll get one for Christmas.....

And then The Moose got to swing!

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