
Monday, August 12, 2013

How Do You Move A Farm?

I am a volunteer with Cardo's Farm Project, a local organic farm. They are in the process of moving locations. Ever since they told me they were moving, I have been fascinated with the thought of moving a farm! I can't imagine all the work and details involved.

They planted at the new field awhile ago and are already harvesting there. They are almost done harvesting at the old property. I go for volunteer hours next Tuesday at the old place, and I think that's going to be pretty much the end of the harvest from those crops.

Yesterday, they had a work party to help get move the last of the stuff to the new property.

 Me helping getting snacks ready. Ok, actually, I'm burning popcorn here. But in my defense, the kernels were super stale. I got that verified from several sources. They just wouldn't pop.

 Those muffins are zucchini apple vegan muffins. So yummy! I love when this farm friend shows up because she always brings baked goods.

 One of the piles to be moved.

 I'll miss this kitchen! 

 The old classroom for summer camp and adult education classes.

 Cleaning the chicken coop for the last time. Luckily, this was not my job yesterday. Although I have done it several times. The chickens will stay here on this land. Cardo's has new chickens for the new property.

 Guess the bathroom already has a new function!

 I don't like spiders. But he's pretty. And scary, at the same time.

 That's my husband, Ryan, taking a snack break.

 The new place! I gave you a quick tour a couple week ago. It's already come a long way! 

 Love this lady!

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