
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cute Baby Picture Ideas

The Moose will be turning one this month! So I wanted to share my favorite pictures. I'm hoping that readers will get inspiration for pictures they take (ok, really, I just want to show off my kid & I can cause it's my blog....).

This is hands down my favorite! 

For the 1st month, I did lots of little photo shoots. Putting him in crazy hats and outfits.

 Finalization Day. When the adoption became legal.

 Love at 1st sight. At the adoption agency.

1st snow on Christmas Day.

That's his wonderful birth mom. (I'm not sharing pictures of her to protect her privacy.)

1st diaper change. This is when we met The Moose at the adoption agency.

His cousin. They are already running away together!

Another cousin.

Decorating his 1st Christmas tree.

FOUR generations! 

Ryan's Dad's side of the family.

Showing off his 1st tooth.

Seconds before his 1st solid food.


On the airplane (this was his 2nd trip).


His cousins made him that book.

He doesn't like manicures.

1st night in his crib. His Pappy (my dad) made the crib.


  1. Best. Baby Pictures. Ever. :) So much love in these shots! I love that your dad made baby Moose's crib!

    Love, Joy
