
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Shrimp & Grits

This is one of Ryan's favorites. This is what he asked for his birthday dinner this year. Shrimp, grits, and andouille sausage with a side of okra.

From Cardo's Farm Project: okra, jalapenos, and garlic.

You need:
  • 3 cups milk
  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup grits
  • 3 tblsp butter
  • 1 onion
  • garlic
  • andouille sausage
  • 1/4 c flour
  • 3 c stock
  • shrimp
  • cayenne
  • 1 lemon
  • parsley
  • green onion
  • tobacco

In a large pot on med high heat, add 3 cups milk, 3 cups cream, and 1 cup grits. I use Bob's Red Mill white stone ground grits. Don't use quick cook, get the real deal. **I added 50% to the recipe (so 4.5 cups of milk & cream and 1.5 cups grits) because I use leftovers to make cheesy grits for breakfast.

Stir frequently.

When it comes to a boil, turn the heat down to med-low. Keep stirring frequently. Cook about 20 minutes. While that's cooking, make the shrimp and sausage.

I used this Texas shrimp. I thawed about 30 shrimp in the fridge overnight.

Peel the shrimp.

Cut your sausage.

Chop a lot of garlic. You'll use some for the shrimp & sausage, and some with the okra.

This is a very large onion. I diced half of it for the shrimp, and sliced half for the okra.

A couple tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet.

Saute the diced onion and half the garlic in the oil. Add the sausage now so it will brown while the onion cooks.

After the onion is cooked and the sausage is browned, add 1/4 cup flour. Stir and cook for 3-4 minutes to make a roux.

Add about 3 cups of broth. Bring to a boil.

Remember to keep stirring your grits.

Add the shrimp when the broth comes to a boil. 

My sauce was a little thick, so I added another cup of broth. Cook about 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat.

 Chop green onions and parsley (I should've used half of this amount, so don't use this much). 4 or 5 green onions and a handful of parsley is plenty. (For about a year, I cooked for my Dad and brought him food. So everything I cooked was in larger portions. I just quit cooking for him and I'm having trouble re-portioning my recipes.)

Cut a lemon in half

Salt and pepper

Add a couple shakes of cayenne pepper.

A couple splashes of Tabasco.

Juice your lemon into the pan.

Put the sliced onion and half the garlic in a pan.

Chop okra and jalapeno. Add to the pan.

I usually use fresh tomatoes. But I didn't have any. I picked up my CSA share yesterday so when I went to the grocery store I didn't know I was going to have yummy okra. So canned tomatoes it is.

Olive oil. Cook on med high for about 8 minutes. Just enough to cook the onions.

Salt and pepper

 Grits are done! Perfect consistency.

Add 3-4 tblsp butter

Salt & pepper

Add green onions and parsley to the shrimp (remember, I added too much).

Taking this to my lazy compost pile.

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