
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lose Weight. The Natural & Easy Way.

Here are my top ways to lose weight and maintain it.

  • First of all, stop trying to "lose weight". Really, you are focusing on the wrong thing. Focus on being healthy and natural, and the weight will fall off. Don't read the numbers on food labels, read the ingredients. If the ingredients aren't natural (meaning you can't pronounce it or you don't know what it is), don't eat it. Better yet, eat food that doesn't come with labels. I eat lots of things that are considered fattening by American standards (by the way America, how are those standards of a "low fat & calorie diet" working out for you? IT'S NOT. So stop it.). But I make it at home from natural ingredients. So eat a natural diet.
  • DETOX DETOX DETOX DETOX. I think I should say this again. DETOX. You retain water weight and bloat because of toxins. Flush them out of your system and you will lose water retention instantly. Within days. Drink this daily. It's my morning detox drink. Click on the link to find out more about why it works. Mix water, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar. Every morning.

  • The next detox is oil pulling. You swish coconut oil for 10-20 minutes in the morning. It is miraculous what it does. I do it 2-3 times per week. When I started, I did every day for 3 weeks and Ryan asked me if I was losing weight. Find my favorite coconut oil here.
  • Take cod liver oil daily. I love my good fats. Cod liver oil is a close second behind my cherished coconut oil. Cod liver oil is high in vitamin A and D. Both are attributed to weight loss. Weight loss is just a very tiny reason (although it is effective!) you should take this supplement daily. I use Carlson's Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil.
  • And of course, stay active. I do something daily to be "active." I put it in quotes because I do not do anything strenuous or high impact (due to my injury a few years ago). My main goal in my workouts is to avoid pain. As long as I stay somewhat active and stretch my bones and muscles daily, then my back pains stay far away. I do plan on sharing a typical workout schedule with you soon. I will detail this info soon, but I walk, do my physical therapy routine on a swiss ball, and do short (5 minute) you tube videos throughout the week.
So that's it. Super simple! Eat clean, stay active (it doesn't take much), and DETOX DETOX DETOX.

Here are more BEFORE pictures of me. Sorry the quality is poor. They were all scanned. And please forgive my fashion blunders ;-)

This post is featured on Thank Your Body.


  1. I'm glad that you, too, recognize that America's "no fat" obsession is wrong. Eating too little fat can actually cause Alzheimer's.

    1. Yep. The low fat diets is very obviously not providing the results people following them are expecting (hence the obesity problem). And I believe it about Alzheimer's.
