
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Natural Stomach Ache / Cramping Relief

I woke up yesterday feeling great. I oil pulled, drank my morning detox drink, brushed my teeth with my natural toothpaste, and went for a walk. A couple friends stayed over the night before so someone went to my favorite neighborhood taqueria for breakfast tacos (I live in Texas, everybody has a favorite neighborhood taqueria), but they were closed. So they went somewhere else. I ate one and a half little tacos, even opted for the no meat ones. My stomach immediately started cramping. (And no, my normal place isn't organic or anything. My stomach is probably just used to it since we get tacos there about once a month. Hey, I'm not perfect, I live and eat in the world, too.)

I drank another morning detox drink, hoping to settle my stomach a bit. It helped a little, but it still hurt. My poor belly cramped all day. At about 8 pm, I just couldn't take it anymore. So I started googling for a natural cure from stuff I have in the house.

I have mentioned that I am starting to research essential oils. I'm still working on that. It's going to take awhile before I feel confident working in depth with these powerful little liquids. I have peppermint essential oil (I use it in my toothpaste). Peppermint oil treats all of these things:
  • indigestion
  • respiratory problems
  • headache
  • nausea
  • fever
  • stomach
  • bowel spasms
  • pain relief
  • mental fatigue
  • inflammation
  • itching skin
Fascinating! So I thought I'd give it a whirl. I do not know enough about essential oils yet to feel confident in telling you the whys and hows of it all. I know enough to feel confident using them a little, but not enough to speak confidently about the science behind it all. I will let you know more once I figure it all out. And trust me, I'm going to be digging deep into this soon! I do know that essential oils need to be mixed with carrier oils. I used grapeseed oil.

In a bowl, I poured a couple tablespoons of grapeseed oil.

 Added about 15 drops of peppermint oil.

Dipped my fingers in and rubbed my belly.

I'll be darned if my stomach didn't stop cramping within about 4 minutes. It was crazy! I woke up this morning with a slightly achy belly. I rubbed more on my stomach and it helped instantly.

The Moose woke up wheezing a bit. So I rubbed a bit of the peppermint & grapeseed oil on his feet. It cleared him up instantly!

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